"MWA 실리사이드 3D NOR GATE 메모리 개발", Monolithic 3D Inc., 2023 10~

2024-04-02 05:12
전북대, 나노종합기술원(NNFC)와 함께 고속동작 3차원 NOR GATE 구조의 charge trapping flash (CTF) 메모리 개발

기업 소개 (Monilithic 3D Inc.)

MonolithIC 3D™ Inc. was founded and incorporated in 2009 by Zvi Or-Bach, a well-known Silicon Valley serial entrepreneur, under the name NuPGA. The mission of NuPGA was to develop Programmable Logic technology with density, speed, and power approaching ASICs. On the way, while developing improved FPGA technology, the NuPGA team discovered a path for practical monolithic 3D-ICs. Recognizing that this breakthrough and its many related innovations represented a paradigm shift for the entire semiconductor industry, Zvi Or-Bach, the CEO, changed the company strategy to focus on monolithic 3D-ICs, and renamed the company MonolithIC 3D™ Inc. MonolithIC 3D™ Inc. believes in collaborating with existing players in the industry to develop its technologies.

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